Trading Cards Now Available Via Patreon!
For those of you just joining in, I do have a Patreon account where you can support my comic-creating endeavors. I try to keep rewards on the affordable side because hey… times are tough and I totally understand. If you’d like to check it out and see what I offer, you can do so here:
ALSO I’m writing this to let you all know that every month $5+ patrons will be receiving two holographic trading cards every month, as I hit one of my monthly goals a while back. I’m really excited to work on these as I’ll take any excuse to draw my characters even more XD
You can find out more about the trading cards here:
Thank you all for reading and supporting the comic! If you can’t afford to pledge monthly via patreon, I also have an online shop where you can get books, stickers, prints, and a bunch of other stuff here:
OR hey, if you help signal boost me and spread the word, that’s also greatly appreciated!