Summer break?
Most of you know that I recently finished up a successful Kickstarter for The Misadventures of Buddy and Friend. To those of you who pitched in, thank you very much!
I’ve made the tough decision to take a month off from Sacrimony. There’s a lot that needs to be done for the Kickstarter such as adding the cameo rewards, double and triple checking formatting, communicating with printers and also making the rewards, which I do all by my lonesome by hand. In addition, I’ve got some commissions to finish and conventions to prep for and a bit of wrist pain on top of all that. I guess it would be nice to fix my very broken sleep cycle, too. If I didn’t take a break the newer pages would be obviously rushed and not the kind of quality I’m used to putting out. And that’s not fair to me, you as the readers or the story itself.
So I’ll be taking this month off to get all the Kickstarter stuff together, finish up commissions, plus work on starting up another buffer for Sacrimony. It’s amazing how quickly those buffer pages run down. When I return, there will be a slightly different (but better!) update schedule, as I’d really love to get the story rolling along and [hypothetically] should be able to do so unobstructed. Updates will be every Monday as per usual but also every other Thursday so instead of getting four pages a month, we’d get six.
Patreon supporters need not worry, as I have lots of fun things planned in lieu of comic pages this month.
Tl;dr: Sacrimony will return on July 2nd! Thanks for taking the time to read this and thanks for your patience 🙂